Anyone Else With Pins And Needles Feeling In Their Fingertips?
This is my left hand. I'm having a pins and needles or mild electric shock type feeling in all fingertips of this hand. My index and middle fingertips are wrinkly, as though I'd been in a bath for hours (quick shower 7 hours ago) and my ring and little fingertips are puffy and purplish, as is my thumb. I haven't had this before. I am diagnosed with RA, Sjögrens and fibromyalgia. Have not injured my left arm, wrist or hand. Thoughts??
RArunner I agre with what @A myRAteam Member said: swelling in your joints, compressing on your nerves. I get the same thing although, I've had numerous C-Spine surgeries due to buldging discs, cysts growing on nerves, and bone spurs poking into the spinal cord causing permanent damage. Sometimes I chalk it up to the spinal cord damage, muscle spasms in my neck, swelling in my wrists compressing the nerves, etc. I've been in Radiology for 35 years and for the last 14 years, MRI. I know anatomy quite well which sometimes is not a good thing. 😉
Having Sjogrens means it could be the start of Neuropathy mine started with numbness in my feet but i also have it in my fingers or some of them . the doctor kept telling me no i did not that it was carpal tunnel but when he got done with the testing yes it is Neuropathy. It now comes and goes and not nearly as bad as my feet and does not hinder any thing that i do. Good Luck to you
I do. My dr says it's from the swelling in my joints compressing on my nerves. I pray you can get some relief. Try heat on your hands to control the swelling. Oŕ ice. I can't tolerate ice myself but everyone is different. I hope this helps. Hugs.
@A myRAteam Member i had a cervical spinal fusion at C5,6,7 about 12 years ago. 2 discs ruptured, a third was bulging. My surgeon was the first one to ask me if I'd been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis or Lupus yet.
Got bone spurs galore along my spine, and had them proximal to both rotator cuffs (learned during 2 rotator cuff surgeries). We could just about be twins!
@A myRAteam Member thank you, I'll have to ask my rheumy at my next appt. I actually took the pic so I could show him.
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