Dealing with malaise, especially when managing a condition like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), can indeed be challenging. Here are some strategies that might help:
1. **Acknowledge Your Feelings**: Recognize that it's okay to have tough days. A practice of self-kindness, like acknowledging "this is really hard right now," can Show Full Answer
Dealing with malaise, especially when managing a condition like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), can indeed be challenging. Here are some strategies that might help:
1. **Acknowledge Your Feelings**: Recognize that it's okay to have tough days. A practice of self-kindness, like acknowledging "this is really hard right now," can be a powerful first step.
2. **Rest and Pace Yourself**: Listen to your body and allow yourself to rest. Setting limits and taking breaks can prevent overexertion, which may contribute to malaise.
3. **Seek Support**: Talking about your feelings with friends, family, or members of a support group like myRAteam can provide comfort and practical advice.
4. **Manage Stress**: Engaging in activities you enjoy and practicing relaxation techniques can help reduce stress, which might exacerbate feelings of malaise.
5. **Consult Your Healthcare Team**: If malaise is significantly impacting your life, it might be helpful to talk to your doctor. They can check if your RA treatment plan needs adjustment or if there are other underlying causes.
Remember, you're not alone in this. Many people with RA have shared their experiences and strategies for coping with similar feelings.
February 24, 2024