What Would You Recomend For Arthroses In The Knees
I experience pain, walking, sometimes also sleeping
For knee osteoarthritis (OA), the following recommendations are strongly suggested:
- Exercise: Especially beneficial for knee OA
- Weight Loss: If you are overweight or obese, losing weight can help reduce the pressure on your knees.
- Tai Chi: This is now strongly recommended for knee OA.
- Topical NSAIDs: Effective for Show Full Answer
Thank you very much, i will try your remedies, some days i function better, and maybe changing ways to alleviate pain will help me understanding how to deal with it
Hi Rob,
I use either Dragon's Numbing Gel or Vick's Children's VapoCream. I use knee braces, for support when I am going to be walking for awhile. On bad days, which I just had yesterday, I put the knee braces on, took 1 Motrin, 1 Gabapentan and 1 Imitrex and went to bed, so I could elevate my legs. This morning, so far, no braces needed, no pain.....think I'll go dancing. .lol
Anyway, I hope this helps. Feel better soon.
Thank you, very kind, i will try the Quel
Hi Rob, before my knee surgery I used my Quell tens unit. It really helped. Also alternating heat and cold packs. I’ve just started reading up on frankincense oil benefits. I’m going to try it for the piriformis pain. Hope you have a restful night. Sending hugs 🤗
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