Does Anyone Know The Requirements For Getting A Permanent Placard And Plate At The SOS Office?
I have been in the process of getting a permanent placard and plate at my SOS office in Michigan but have been having an enormously hard time doing so through the physicians in my area. I have spondyloarthritis/polyarthritis and was diagnosed in March of 2017. Originally I did not know I was eligible for any of these quality of life improvements. I asked about it from my rheumatologist and he said I would have to inquire at the venue where I wanted disability parking. I then came on… read more
Here in Texas, it was simple. I took a letter from my Rheumatologist and the form to our county tax and license Office and they issued me a permanent one. It's been so long, I can't remember if it was temporary at first or not. I have to renew it this coming December. I forgot how many years they are good for, but I know at least 5 years, it's been a while. Can you get a letter from your Rheumatologist or primary Dr in Michigan? I wish you the best of luck. May God Bless you and your family. 🙏♥️
P.S. it may be a procedure where they issue a temp at first, then when you return again to renew it, they will make it permanent? Check with them. Hope this helped.
Just have your primary doctor right you a prescription and take it to your court house and they will issue you one
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Getting Plates Is Harder Than Getting A Placcard?
Has Any Tried For A Blue Badge And If You Did How Did You Get On