Does Anyone Else Get This Splotchy Redness On You Legs?
The red underneath my calf is a shadow 🥺
My rheumatologist check my wrist due to me going crazy from the itching/he stated that it is a RA rash. Dr stated RA Does cause rashes due to the inflammation of the arteries that deliver blood to the various body organs/including the skin nerves. This know rheumatoid vasculitis.
Everyone is different. I'm going to send these pictures to my rheumatologist Tuesday and see what she says.
My is also red splotches but it itchs more in the winter. My Dr told is my RA causing it. I used Bendadryl cream for th itch.
Have you talk to RA Dr or seen a dermatologist? Could it be a allergic reaction that you don't know about?
I have the blotches and varicose veins. and I bruise easily. I've done the latter all my life.
How Do You Folks Deal With The Feeling Of Malaise? I’m Having A Hard Time
Small Bruises From My Ankle To My Toes, And Itchy Skin Leaving Several Rashes Across My Body