Hi Team. Has Anyone Experienced Excessive Itching Or Hives During An RA Flare.
I've been dealing with this for a few days now. I will probably contact my PCP or RA doc tomorrow. I've been of the prednisone taper for several days now. I've taken some Benedryl and used the Benadryl Spray as a topical remedy, but it's just horrible, disrupting my day and stopping me from getting to sleep.🥺😩
I’ve had severe itching from the RA and it can get worse while taking prednisone, my scalp and inside my ears drove me nuts. I was diagnosed 42 years ago and have to say the itching still bothers me some but not nearly as bad as it was the first couple of years with the disease, I’m not sure if I’m used to it or it has gotten better but hopefully when you get treatment it shouldn’t be as bad, a lot of the biologics do wonders for the itching so try to get the RA treated and it should help with the itching considerably, good luck!!🍀
I have used aloe with lidocaine in it.
That’s a lot of great information Leonora. Thank you. Definitely toxicity in the liver can cause bad itching and the white parts of your eyes can turn yellow so watch for that. Leonora why use heat packs with the castor oil hexane free? I know cool packs usually helps my itching a lot. The only reason I can think of why you use heat is so the pores open up better and the Castor oil can absorb easier and faster. Is that why you use heat? Great information again. The night foods like tomatoes and potatoes can be bad for people with RA and Psoriatic Arthritis. I know that. You might just ask what foods can bother you. Google it or ask your RA Dr. they might know. You were also talking about nodules and cysts where have you seen these growths like on the outside of your arms or legs or where. For some reason I am having lumps growing in my arms. Some soft some a little harder but I can feel them. Is this what you are talking about? Thanks again for the information. I appreciate it. 😉😉
Hi Pattie!
Sorry I didn't see this sooner - haven't been on here for a while. Hopefully, your symptoms (the rash and itchiness) have gotten better?
There is definitely a flow or cascading effect to the development of an autoimmune disease and if left untreated, an even more dangerous cascading effect to other autoimmune diseases. So in treating any symptoms, it's good to start with natural remedies that involve, first, what we feed our organs and body. Cutting out as many inflammatory foods as possible is vital. They really do create tears in our gut lining that encourage bad bacteria to leach out of the gut and float around, looking for the nearest organ to attach to and attack.
We really do need to sleep WAY more, too. The body only wants to do one major metabolic function at a time, so it can only heal while we're sleeping (providing it doesn't have to try to process inflammatory - or any - food at the same time. It won't).
Next thing to remedy - how most of us with RA have had major levels of stress in their lives and prioritized survival and coping strategies over healing and stress avoidance ones.
My point - by the time we start with the pharma products our rheumatologists prescribe - we have often forgotten that those drugs too are ingested by organs with specific needs and already increasing levels of being over-taxed by RA. Particularly our livers.
Rashes are a common side effect of liver issues, caused by any number of things the liver is struggling to clean out of the blood but can't. Some meds (Humira, many DMARDS and immuno-suppressant therapies in general) are so hard for the liver to process, they can lead to inadequately detoxed blood and resulting rashes, which can lead to itching, scratching, infections and even psoriasis (another cascading autoimmune disease).
On the other hand, you know what works almost miraculously to help the liver with its critical blood detoxing work? Using topical caster oil rubs, especially, when you can, with heat packs. Castor Oil (hexane-free! Not to be confused with cod liver oil, which is toxic in large doses) might be the only oil that penetrates way deeply into the skin and actually heals internal organs by neutralizing toxicity there. It can even reduce nodules, cysts, growths, etc. Just don't eat it (causes diarrhea).
Next thing I recommend having on hand when you have RA and rashes is MCT oil! Coconut oil has Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids but the latter two Omegas can be inflammatory in higher doses. MCT oil ONLY has Omega 3 fatty acids (which is why it is always liquid) - and has tremendous anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal (healing) properties, heals bacterial infections of any kind, including and especially cuts, bites and the vaginal kind of yeasty infections that are SO often produced by immuno-suppressant therapies.
Sending you warm wishes for radical healing and joyful times in the summer days ahead!
Yes me too I get an attacks of eaching.
I’d Like To Hear Your Thoughts On Skin Sensitivity And RA? Looking To See If Others Have This Struggle Or Battle With Their Skin.
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