I Am Still Having A Difficult Time Adjusting To The Fact That I Have Inflammatory Arthritis And The Limitations It Seems To Have On Me.
I am currently now at 1000 mg sulfasalazine twice a day since last flair a month ago. However, now back on prednisone for 9 days due to knees swelling along with soreness in back/neck. I walked our dog this morning and now suffering from that. Any suggestions and/or input? My recent CRP is 30.
That sulfsa drug needs at least three months in ur body
Rest take it easy don’t hurt ur joint anymore then they already hurt
Very useful information
what symptoms would you suggest when it’s time to think of changing ones medication? How do u know what a flare is vs med not working? Suggestions?
Thank you for the explanation. It has helped. I do understand more now.
Idk if it’s helping or not. I wd think it’s not helping if I have these new symptoms, right? I was fine until two months ago when all this started up again.
Due To My Several Autoimmune Issues I Have Put On A Lot Of Weight …I Have Issues With R.A Nodules In My Feet ( They Feel Like Marbles )
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