is there a needle form of remicade
I was on Remicade using infusion therapy many years ago. It put me in remission for a little over 3 years. I felt really good, more like myself before RA. When it came back, I was dealing with more illness. Recently my Rheumatologist wanted to try using it again. My insurance isn't as good now because I'm on disability. So my insurance company said no...its so expensive!! My doc put me on a biosimilar drug called Avsola. The first infusion was ok, but I didn't make it thru the whole 3 hours of the next dose. I had an Anaphylaxis emergency and was rushed to the ER. I was told that 15 people worked 2 straight hours to bring me to a place where I was stable. I had never had anything like this happen before and it was scary ! The nurse said I was very close to dying. When I talked to my doctor about the next step, I was unsure about these biologic drugs. But I've tried so many in the past without such awful problems. I thought he might do tests to see what triggered the attack, but he said no. I'm now on another biologic that is an injection into the stomach. I could do it myself, but I go into the cancer center where infusions are given to have a nurse do it. Just in case I have another reaction. What makes me really mad is that we ask for Remicade because it worked before. They said no because of the cost. It's always about the money and less about healing the patient !
Hi I was on infusion Remicade as well for like months it did absolutely nothing for me. It doctors always need to leave you on it for 3-4 months before changing to another medication. I have been on 13 now. But I am on RINVOQ now once a day pill and it’s been working!
On top of my new vitamin drink AG1 (Althectic Greens)
my husband and I feel amazing my cholesterol dropped 30 points, lost weight as we are more active and we are in our 60’s and cannot rave enough about it. And no more other vitamins everything in one drink per day no more choking down vitamins. Here is my link below it gives me like $10 bucks off but google it read about it it’s not just for athletes and if you don’t like the taste which is hard to describe as we like just as is put a splash of lemon juice in it. But I’m telling you after 3-5 days you will feel amazing. Hugs
If you have been on Cimzia for 6 months and it’s not done anything then your doctor needs to try something else. It’s usually they want you to stay on something for minimum of 3 months. I have been on 13 medications. Enbrel put me in remission for 5 wonderful years then decided to stop working then I went o another and another. And every one I have been on they like it to be 3 months. Cimzia did nothing for me after 3 months. I’m on Rinvoq 1 pill a day now and it’s working! Stay as proactive as possible with your RA doctor as it took me a few to find one that was proactive. Hugs 🤗
Did absolutely nothing for me but the struggle is different in everyone. Every medication I was on was try it 3 months before they change it. I’ve been on over 13 now so it’s been a long long road. Now I’m on Rinvoq and it’s working! 1 pill a day and I wish they started backwards in the meds. Everyone one is different so the road is long until they find the one that works. Some of them I was on worked for only a short time as my body T cells recognized the meds soon and said nope I’ve seen this med and decides to stop working it’s frustrating to say the least. But maybe you will be lucky and it will work for you as everyone is different and that’s what I have learned. Stay positive my friend
yes I think its the same as inflix which I have every 2mths in hospital on a intra drip and that's also helped me a lot along with my metho, took a pretty long while for it to take effect tho but couldnt do without this combo,
Who Has Had Cataract Surgery Having RA? I Need Surgery And I'm Scared To Death. I've Put It Off Since January. H E L
I Have Had Jra Since Age 3 I’ll Be 56 On January 22. I’ve Noticed All The Meds Are The Same. I Need Help Organizing A Non Profit To Help Us!
Has Anyone Tried Or Is On Orencia ?