Does Anyone Have Back Pain From RA?
I was wonder if anyone has back pain from RA? My doctor thinks RA doesn't cause back pain. I do have degenerative disc disease, but my lower back has been bothering everyday since my RA progressed. I didn't have pain in my back everyday before. I wake up with it and and lay in bed with it. Sometimes the pain is lighter than other days.To me it is too much of a coincidence that this back pain has progressed with my other RA symptoms.
Yes, that's true. So many people think I'm fine because I look OK, but it truly is a systemic on-the-inside disease that can't be explained to someone who doesn't have it.
What I've always heard is that back pain and/or degeneration is not a direct result of RA, but that RA puts you at a greater risk for osteoarthritis (because of cartilage deterioration) which does cause back pain. So, my rheumatologist told me that many people with RA have OA and that can result in the back pain.
I have also noticed that it started with my hips and shoots up my spine
I've had the pain in the butt too. Fortunately, my PCP believes that it's caused by hip pain that radiates to that area and has given me cortisone shots for it which help greatly.
Does Anyone Have Pain In Lower Back And Neck With RA/ My Xrays Say Oseto In Knees Neck And Back But RA Dr Thinks It Is From RA,
Back Pain
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