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Is Ganglion Cysts Under The Patella Caused By Rheumatoid Arthritis?

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Roseburg, OR

Besides the Knee MRI showing a complex tear in the medial meniscus, it also said I have two ganglion cysts under the patella.

January 10
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A myRAteam Member

Ganglion cysts form when tissues around joints become inflamed, and RA is a condition that causes significant joint inflammation, making individuals with RA more susceptible to ganglion cysts.

January 10
A myRAteam Member

Carol no, not yet. I just saw the MRI report. I have an appointment with my primary next week.

January 11
A myRAteam Member

I had a huge one in my wrist with long feelers. I had steroid shots to try and shrink it, but it didn't work. So when they went in us when they found out why it was so stubborn. It was a silver dollar size with the feelers. Esther have they told you what they are going to do with all of this stuff?

January 11
A myRAteam Member

Hi Esthr6
Unfortunate it's true, I have many of those and some do hurt. Those little jelly nodules swell up on me when I have a flare. There very close to my joint's, and I have little nodules on my wrist where the palm of my hands and wrist join. I have any where around 6 to 8 tiny nodules on my wrist. I have more on my thigh's that I need to why they hurt.

January 10
A myRAteam Member

Good luck Esther! Let us know how it goes. ❤️🙏

January 12

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Ganglion Cysts

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Carroll, IA

Is There A Relationship Between A Ganglion Cyst On The Wrist And Rheumatoid Arthritis?

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Atlanta, GA

What's The Difference Between Ganglion Cysts And Baker's Cysyts?

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Mayer, AZ
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