Anyone Dealing With Unusual Anxiety? I Seem To Freak Out About Everything! If You Do, How Do You Deal With It?
I agree! The support from fellow “warriors “ is extremely helpful.
I think for me my anxiety comes a lot from getting up every day and not knowing how I will feel or what my ra is going to say. I've talked to drs that have told me that any chronic illness usually comes with some anxiety and or worry. I hate worry and anxiety but being able to share and talk here helps. Sending some thoughts and hope for some peace ...hang in there fellow warrior!!
Thank you!
Increased anxiety with Autoimmune issues go hand and hand. I struggle with it over the smallest things that I never had a problem before with. First - just being aware of your own anxiety helps. Secondly - In that moment - I tell myself to bring my shoulders back down and breathe. Sometimes I need to just sit with it for a moment and breathe until it passes.
Hi All. Anyone Dealing With RA And Fibromyalgia ? How Do You Deal With It?
How Do You Cope With RA Symptoms And The Increased Anxiety And Anxiousness They Cause?
How Do You Deal With