How Long Does It Take For Leflunomide To Get Out Of Your System If You Only Took 10 Mg Daily For 6 Weeks?
I was prescribed leflunomide after I told my rheumatologist that I had a problem with easy bruising. Immediately, after starting this I struggled with itchy forearms especially at night. I would put ice packs on them to prevent me from scratching. One evening I scratched my arm without thinking and immediately I got a red mark that takes forever to heal. Red dots also appeared on my forearms and are still there. After six weeks I went off it. When I got my blood work back, my WBC and MCHC… read more
First, yikes! I'm sorry you are going through this. My advice is to contact your rheumatologist, explain your symptoms and see if you can perhaps try a different medication. It sounds like this may not be the right treatment for you. Hang in there! I hope you get some relief very soon!
I have used in the past charcoal pills to remove everything from my system. It works amazingly well. However, you have to be sure not to take it for several hours after you have any vitamins or supplements, because it will remove that too. Also any nutrients you receive from your food, will be gone. So maybe eat lunch around noon, and then take your charcoal pills around 3 :00 and then don't eat again until around 6:00 p.m..
I hope you are doing better. I had an allergic reaction to it, and it started with my forearms, oddly enough. I took it for 6 weeks and because I am allergic to sulfa drugs, I started Humira in November.
Thank you all for responding. I'm not on any treatment now as I wanted to give my body time to detox. I am going to try sulfasalazine next. I am nervous about it; but feel I have no other choice. I think I have to be 5 years free of cancer before I can go on a biologic. I hope everyone is doing great! 😊
Maki2004, how are you doing?
Medication Side Effects
Has Anyone Taken Leflunomide 10 Mg. What Were Side Effects?