Anyone Taking Lyrica? Thoughts?
I am having a lot of problems with muscle pain, spasms and cramping, I have been prescribed Lyrica. Is this a common RA problem? Anyone else been on this medication for this problem?
I do too it is
Have you thought about asking your doc if you have fibromyalgia? Nothing helped me until I requested Savella. I’ve felt so much better! Be well. Sending gentle hugs.
I tried Gabapentin but I had side effects….so was put in Lyrica (pregabalin)
I take gabapentin. It is the same type of drug. I think it is for nerve pain .Spasms etc. could be a nerve type pain.
Does Anyone Else Deal With Chest Pain And Bad Between Your Ribs Pain What Do You Do For Relief
Seronegative Med Troubles
Does Anyone Take Lyrica To Help With Sleep & Pain