Prednisone Question
Hi All. I am a newbie and trying to learn as much as I can about RA
1st flare was in October 2022
Diagnosed RA January 2023
1st Rheumy visit Feb 2023. Was given hydroxy
2nd visit for pain was Feb 28, 2023. Given Prednisone 25-50mg. It only took a week before I was taking 37.5 and pain managed
Next rheumy visit June
I would like to taper off Prednisone beginning now. Is that a good idea. I would like to see if Hydroxy is working
I doubt I can get an app to ask rheumy but may get a msg to… read more
be guided by your Rheumatologist
I have been maintained on 1mgm of prednisone for a couple of YEARS.
Touch wood I have not had a flare up for years.
Kindest wishes
You are so right. A rheumatologist worth his or her weight in gold will listen, recommend and listen again. I was with my rheumatologist from 1992 till she retired a few years ago and she would listen to even the craziest ‘cures’ I’d read about and try. She never belittled my attempts at these non-traditional suggestions as long as they did me no harm AND as long as I followed HER recommendations. She was Board Certified and one of the bet doctors I’ve ever had. Would that everyone on this site had one like her.
I just came off 2 months of Prednisone. I am still taking Hydroxy with np problems.
About a month ago my eyes started bothering me. My vision was blurry. And then my eyes felt like there was sand in them. Last August I had cataracts removed from both eyes. I read that Prednisone ‘could’ cause cataracts so last week I went to see my Opthamologist. Sure enough I have a cluster of cataracts on my right eye. He is going to laser it off.
He asked me if I had a dry mouth and eyes. And I do big time.
He said thats probably Sjogren’s Syndrome. I see my Rheum. June 1st. I am going to ask him to confirm it.
Ask your Mom about her eyes. Go back to her eye doctor. And get her checked again
The prednisone is a miracle drug with awful long lasting effects. I know some people dont have a choice. But I doubt I will take it again. It has really messed up my eyesight
Best of luck to both of you. 🌹🌹
I would definitely call rheumatologist and leave message with nurse for doctor. I was on 80 mg prednisone when first diagnosed in 2022. With plaquenil and later methotrexate pills. GI issues so switched to methotrexate injection. I remember I was tapering down prednisone every 2 days, I think. Even when decreased to 5 mg, GI issues continued. Now on 2.5 mg prednisone, plaquenil and Humira every 2 weeks. No methotrexate due to itching, fatigue, headaches side effects. Everyone responds differently to these medications so you really need to be your own advocate and hopefully find the meds that help you. The doctor may recommend decreasing prednisone 2 mg every 2 days or so and stop decreasing if you notice increased inflammation. But I’d ask rheumatologist. Good luck!
Prednisone is bad for so many things. I would stop. I will never take it again as it caused avn in my hips. Ask your pharmacist how to do a slow taper-off. It has shut down your adrenals so you need to very slowly get them going again.
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