Is anyone taking, or have taken, Lyrica? I started taking it for back and neck pain. Very tiring!
It took me a week
I've taken Lyrica for about 20 years now for neuropathic pain in my legs and feet. It's the only medication that's worked for me. On maximum dose allowed. Tried to reduce it, as suggested by doctor, and neuropathic pain came right back. I've never had side effects of any kind. But everybody's different.
Hope that helps. J.
I am on alot of gabapentin yes it makes me tired and it makesme forgetful but I finally rached alevel where my nerve pain is subdued and I can work with my hands and tollerate my feet and walk on my legs so the bennifits out weigh the side effects
It works well for my daughter, but it scrambled my brain. I just couldn't tolerate it or generic gabapentin.
It seems like all of the drugs that help have terrible side effects and/or withdrawal symptoms. I guess it's what we are willing to do to have some painfree days. Thanks for all of the info everyone. I am now up to 2xs/day/75mgs ea/. It is helping. I am retired so I can take it at 3pm and 12am. My choice. I'm tired by the end of the day anyway and I get up at night. I'm still having side effects, but not all day. I guess I will see how it goes!
Does Anyone Get Terrible Acid Reflux That Effects The Voice Badly ?
Does Anyone Take Lyrica To Help With Sleep & Pain
Does Anyone Else Get These Hot-needle-like Stabbing Shooting Pains In Their Hands? OUCH!