Hot Red Blotchy Spots On Skin
Does anyone have hot blotchy spots on their skin? It comes and goes but it appears on my neck and the backs of my arms.
The sunburn feeling (hive) rash.. So much fun.. This is when you do take 2 - 5 mg of prednisone.. Call your primary to get an appointment with an allergy specialist.
Our meds give our stomachs challenges.. this makes our bodies more sensitive to what we put in it.. The biggest culprit are supplements and herbal teas.. On top of this.. Not having any food in our stomachs and doing some form of exercise causes this histamine effect. Walking on an empty stomach can cause this.
Keep a record of what your were doing and of what you have taken, eaten or drank when this happens.. and if it happend on an empty stomach..
My rheumatologist says in addition to RA I have Uticarial Vasculitis which is what causes they crazy skin issues. I spent over 2 years dealing with the huge itchy hives, hive patches (as big as a hand) large hard, burning lumps every single day. Finally I was sent to my RA doctor.
I get this too - it started as an awfully itchy band on the top of both of my feet - now it has spread to my ankles, and a little on my hands and arms and thighs. Cerave itch cream makes the itchiness go away for a couple of hours for me. My dermatologist said it was --- ( I can't remember his diagnosis) but didn't seem to know it was RA related. I'm glad to read that others have this problem (not that I'm glad you have it, but that I'm not alone).
Is it hard? Hot? Painful?
It can and will, painfully, cover your whole body.. It is important to document what transpired before each histamine (allergy) attack we have.
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