Does Anyone Know If Ra Affects The Eye Vision
My vision has gotten worse since I can remember. Always have had to have glasses. At 40yo had cataracts. I've always thought it had something to do with my immune system but there's no stopping it. I've been on meds to suppress my immune system for yrs. Best wishes from a fellow sufferer ðĪ
Hi, Yes it can, And yes it has mine. I do not think this is a deffinate problem for every one. Take care.
I've only just seen this post. I've experienced double vision as well as blurry vision that seems to come out of nowhere, and then goes again. It's very disorientating. I've had this for a year now, and I finally have an appointment with an opthalomist, which has been postponed due to covid19.
Plaquenil can affect your eyes and I needed to see my eye doctor every 6 months for a complete eye checkup during my treatment. No side effects and eyes were always fine. Too bad it didn't do much for me.
Agree with above, but I think some of the drugs ie. Prednisone & Plaquenil has something to do with it.
Due To My Several Autoimmune Issues I Have Put On A Lot Of Weight âĶI Have Issues With R.A Nodules In My Feet ( They Feel Like Marbles )
I Think People Need Be Aware Of The Fact That RA Can Also Affect Your Eyes.
Has Anyone Got Diagnosed With Catarax Went To Eye Doctor And Was Diagnosed With Catarax And Have To Follow Up With Surgeon. Eye Doctor Said