What Is Indicative Of Ra In Fingers
Full if questions yep thats me! So i have never had the redness or puffy fingers or joints. I have an aching, burning pain in all fingers with the stiffness if i stop moving, and i get specific spots on joints that are extremely painful and feel like they are bigger than before. Is that a normalcy wih ra or is that more of an osteo? Im on my 3 rd one that is now doing this. Seems too fast to be osteo?
@A myRAteam Member I just read your story and it looks like you are RF negative. You can have RA with negative blood work. You can also have psoriatic arthritis, which is like RA, but also has other tendon issues. You may want to discuss this possibility with your rheumatologist because of your fingers. Mine is closed to convinced I have PsA rather than RA. The treatment is essentially the same, though.
My doctor told me if the joint in your fingers that hurts is the top joint (the one next to your nail) that is OA. If it is the other joints then it's most probably Rheumatoid Disease.
I dont know about osteoporosis. But with RA it's all of the above. Pain, redness, swelling, tingling, burning, aching... I would check with your doc to see what's up. Hugs
Sounds like RA to me. I have really screwed up fingers, knuckles, and wrists. Been at this many years though. I hope progression is really slow for you.
Yes its quite fascinating, as i have been of course doing plenty of “googling” and now after finding you all, asking a lot of questions and there is no completely text book method any more to a diagnosis. It continues to evolve, information is added, new findings all the time and
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