Hav been prescribed Humera. Nervous about side affects. The only other med is tremadol. What can i expect.
I have been on Humira for three+ years. I take naproxen and cymbalta for pain every morning. I have tramadol if I need it, but I don't need it often. I was on Prednisone for about five years but I am weaned off of that now. I use Arnica gel topically for joint and muscle aches and pains. I also have a muscle relaxer I can take but it makes me sleepy so I don't take it often. Hope this info helps. ❤️❤️❤️
@A myRAteam Member. I am still using Humira and it still works for me. I still have flare ups if I overdo it and I still ache most of the time. But I am alive and able to get out and about if I take it easy. I take naproxen and cymbalta for pain each morning too. Sometimes I sleep well, other nights I wake up every time I turn over. In the winter I have a heated mattress pad I use and it helps me to relax and get to sleep. Hope this helps you.
Just another note. If anyone is having problems with the needle and injections, you could think about using the pen. They are so much easier to use. I was sent them by mistake from the Mail Pharmacy... hmmm - that's another discussion... But I have used them ever since. The pen is so much easier.
April, hang in there. If you feel as bad as you did 3 months ago, tell your doctor. Think back to how bad it was before going on humira. I still have bad days due to the weather, but they are not as bad as before humira. Humira kind of sneaks in and you don't realize how much it is helping unless you remember back to the full pain you dealt with prior to going on it.
We do what we have to do hope for the best and always have our faith in our Lord!
Has Anyone Taken The Orencia Injections And Have You Gotten Any Relieve From Them And If So Any Problems With Any Side Effects
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