Water Exercise
This is probably the weirdest if not stupidest question anyone has ever heard but it is something I have been wondering about for a long time. I have heard that water based exercise is good for RA but I cannot swim and I am short (4'11) when I have been in pools I usually always stayed in the 4' and under section (basically the kiddie area) so will my lack of ability to swim automatically cause e not to be able to take a water exercise class or something similar?
I was a water aerobic instructor for many years. There is a lot you can do in the sallow water that will help you. and water noodles or water weights work great for the deep end and keeps you a float.wonderful exercise don't miss out go for it!
I am short and cannot swim and have done water therapy. The water noodles let you move in deeper water and a lot happens in swallow water. Try it you will like it
I have been taking water exercise classes for four years. It has been a miracle for me. I could hardly move st all, but now my range of motion is better than the average (non RA person) 63 year old. Start out slow, very slow, and just keep it up.
Aqua us the kindest form of exercise for arthritis. You don't need to be able to swim and will never be asked to put your face in the water. Stick close to the side and remember the floor is right there if you happen to stumble. It's a great mood reliever as well and the people you exercise with probably also have pain or injury although not always. Great way to meet people and find a support base. I can't recommend aqua highly enough. I think it not only kept me sane but out of a wheel chair too
A couple of years ago I was sent to therapy at a heated pool and it was wonderful! The place where I went has since closed and I haven't found another. I think that is the best I've felt since being diagnosed.
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