Medicare Supplements
Hello I will soon be 60 and I have Social Security Disiblilty. I need to get a medigap policy. Do any of you know one that is not very expense? I live in Mississippi!
Thanks to all that respond.
I have Medicare/medicaid. My RA Dr dropped me , because she doesn't except Medicare, so I had to get a referral for another Dr. . The RA Dr that I wanted denied me , she said she doesn't treat my condition. 🤔 I'm not sure what that means. So I have another request for yet another RA dr , crossing my fingers. Florida is odd , especially in the medical field. Smh !!! I am 60 .
You are on SS disability? After 2 yrs you automatically get Medicare. Do you apply for medicaid or whatever it is called in your state?
I had Cigna before I got on Medicaid. It was great, I had plan G and it paid for all Medicare didn’t but it was expensive. I can’t work at 73 and I can’t live on Social Security. I really hate it but I have no choice. My husband passed last year and my SS is all I have.
I'm under 65 and am on SS Disability. I have original Medicare and a Humana supplemental plan. Because I'm UNDER 65, and live in FL, these companies can 'sock it to ya' premium wise. I bought the lowest supplement policy premium available...Plan F High Deductible. The deductible is $2180....once I pay that I pay nothing for the remainder of the year (that's 3 infusion co-pays). The premium is nearly $300 a month PLUS the Medicare $104.90. My co-pay for my @Simponi Aria infusion yesterday was $789. Good luck in your search for an affordable plan. Since we're about in to Open Enrollment time I'm going to search and see if there's an Advantage Plan that covers more than 20% of the far I've found none.
In Missouri if you are disable you can get Medicare. I have Medicare plus Humana.
I Have A Question About The Humira Co-pay Card. Is Anyone Who Has It On Medicare And Not Receiving The Low Income Subsidy.?
Insurance Question, On Remicade Does Anyone Have A Plan That Covers Remicade?