Short Term Disability From A Job (not State/Federal)
I just got denied for toe surgery because my school's disability carrier, Cigna, is considering it a "pre existing condition". I have to wait one year! I literally went to the dr with my twisted, arthritic toe ONCE and was told it needed to be surgically broken and pinned straight. That apparently constitutes "treatment". I'm numb. I'm in shock. I feel lost. I'm out of school on extended medical leave with no pay. I have no idea what to do. I heard state disability can take 1-3 years. Can that⦠read more
@A myRAteam Member
Jody, what I would do is call the insurance commissioner of your state. Tell them you saw the doctor and got a diagnosis, but you did not receive any "treatment" per se. See what your insurance commissioner says. If he/she says you have the right to receive insurance ask her if she can contact the insurance company in addition to you doing it also. Remember everything needs to be in writing. So, if you have a case write your insurance commissioner (Get the name) and review what your question was and what her response was. You NEED a paper trail for anything like this.
On the subject of disability insurance. It CAN take up to 3-5 years to get awarded SSDI, it's not written in stone. I have read many stories where patients have been awarded SSDI (Social Security Disability) within three months or so. I doesn't hurt to apply for it. It can only help to try. If you for some reason get denied this is your chance to hire a SSDI attorney who by Federal law cannot take any more than 25% of your retroactive award check. It is a decent deal. It happened to me just this way.In a way if you are financially destitute it is more of an asset than a detriment. You will be eligible for State assistance. You may be eligible for medical care via "Medicaid" or a similar program.
Message me any time. I might be able to help you. Don't despair and definitely don't give up!
Be strong!
First I know its hard but you need to go to the state and get any benefits you can i.e. food stamps, medical, even financial. Then maybe try to fight that decision. I'm in the same boat needing surgery from a work related injury. They treated it from April until Aug then I needed surgery I got fired under false pretenses after 10 yrs at this employer and then it was no longer work relate . Now I have a lawyer cause I can't do it. I can't handle the stress. Bad enough I have a torn rotator cuff that needs surgery which I can't get. So try to keep your head high and don't give up.π
Thank you for asking. Unfortunately, the dr does not take my new insurance!!! In the end, I'm going to finish my 3 month FMLA period and go back to my classroom. I just can't make it without a paycheck. Plus, my short term disability carrier (Cigna) was giving me a very hard time. I'm sad and feeling tremendous anxiety, but I feel trapped. Not a great start to 2016. Hope you are well. How are you feeling?
@A myRAteam Member just checking in....have you gotten any help with your claim? My gosh, the stress of this must be near unbearable. Keeping you in healing thoughts and prayers,
I was under the impression that insurers can not deny things on the pre exhausting condition clause?
I would for sure look into this more. It may be a matter of you and the doctor pushing back on the insurance company a bit more.
A lot of times there are ways around things to get them approved.
I Am Very Concerned About Teaching Again Being Immunocompromised. πHow Many Of You Had To Change Careers Or Quit Due To Your Health?
Hi, I Am Sorry To Bother You All But Is There Anyone Is Familiar With The ADA And Job Medical Benefit Laws?