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Types Of Testing

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Elko, NV

What types of blood tests should be done to diagnose RA?
What other tests should be done after the initial RA factor?
Can a diagnosis be given based on x-rays?

February 1, 2015
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A myRAteam Member

When I moved from TX to MI, my old rhuemy did a Vectra test, it showed moderately high results. I took it in to my new doc in MI, I was sero neg at the time. She refused to believe I had the disease, say the results didn't prove a thing. Mind you I've been on treatment for 4 years now. I have done nothing but fight with this doctor all the while feeling worse and worse! Have an appt with a new doc coming up! Glad to hear the Vectra tests ARE accurate! PS, the new rhumys first blood work came back RA positive, so she had to eat a little crow!!

September 16, 2015
A myRAteam Member

I'm seronegative, meaning RA factors don't show up in routine RA blood tests. That's probably why it took 5 years to diagnose...
My doctor uses Vectra blood testing to determine where I fall in the range of RA, which right now is creeping toward severe. She also uses Vectra to determine what meds are, or should be, helping.
I had X-rays done of most of my extremities, but it was MRI that sealed the diagnosis for me.
Diagnosing RA is done by symptoms, possibly blood work, X-rays and MRI.

May 10, 2015
A myRAteam Member

why is it the dr. always thinks you don't know your own body ,reallyshmmmmm!!!

December 1, 2015
A myRAteam Member

Xrays or MRI can give a diagnosis. I don't show up on the blood work as having RA and my daughter does not either. So we went by medical report, appearance and Xrays.

July 24, 2015
A myRAteam Member

I spoke to Crescendo Bioscience, and would like to add a note about cost. The Vectra DA test for RA is heavily discounted, and ithe patient cost, for everyone is actually quite low $25. Ask your Dr for it. It is well correlated to RA patient groups and could be belpful in tracking the severity of your disease over time, including initially, with different treatments, and to help support your diagnosis, especially when CRP and Westerngren tests do not correlate.

May 26, 2015

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