As Many Of You Have Had To Try Multiple Types Of Meds, Is There Some Place I Can Take My Humira So My Doses Aren't Wasted?
I took the doses I did not use when I switched from Enbrel to Humira to my RA doctor so she could give them out is needed. I am hoping to get a dose of Humira from her if I don't get my approval in time from the abbvie assist program. I am taking my last dose that I have today so hopefully it will get approved so I can get it before my next dose in two weeks.
Unfortunately once medication is dispensed it cannot be given to other persons for use. There are sites for safe medication disposal. You can google them for your area
Your prescribing rheumatologist may be able to help.
Your dr might do that. I used to get "samples" from my dr when they were available.
Has Any One Had All Thier Joints Flare Up At Once?
Does Anyone Else Get Flares Either When Traveling Or After You Return Home?
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