What Is Your Experience With Rituximab? I Just Switched From Cimzia To This New Biologic As TNF Ones Did Not Work For Me Anymore.
I have had one side effect with this medication and it’s that all foods seem really hotter than normal. I realized this when I was off it for a bit. Just a heads up.
Hi I have been on Rituxan for two years. It is slow working but my doctor said it has the least side effects. I was in Cimza before. Both worked for me it was just I was in remission and now back in my medication. Good luck.
Rituximab (Rituxan®) is often used when TNF inhibitors like Cimzia no longer work effectively. It targets B cells, a type of white blood cell involved in rheumatoid arthritis. Studies show that after a year of use, many patients experience significant improvements in pain, fatigue, and overall quality of life, even those Show Full Answer
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