Have You Ever Had A Feeling Of A Loose Joint, Not On The Wrist But Right Above It?
I have had a lot of trouble using my right hand the last couple of days. Very painful and swollen. But last night when it was hurting really bad that one of the joints was popping in and out. I was going to make a appointment with the Ortho anyways for that hand for osteoporosis arthritis.
It sounds like you may be experiencing joint instability, which can occur in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) due to inflammation weakening the ligaments and tendons around the joint. This can lead to pain, swelling, and a sensation of the joint "popping" or feeling loose. Since you're already planning to see an orthopedic Show Full Answer
Thank you Nancy! I used the brace for 3 or 4 days and it feels a lot better. So I'm thinking tendonitis of some kind. I am still going to make an appointment.
Ouch Carol. I would definitely get it looked at. Maybe you did something to it.
Nobody is going to the beach anywhere in Canada for months here. Unless they head somewhere not in Canada. People do the New Years Day swim here in a hole in the ice. There are stupid people everywhere, right?
Tina544 I still haven't but my daughter and I are hopefully going to the beach in March. May be too cold to wear it. Lol
How Can I Tell If This Wrist Pain Is From My RA Or If It Could Be Carpal Tunnel? How Is Carpal Tunnel Diagnosed?
Can RA Be Anywhere Else Besides The Joints?
Which Finger Knuckles Has Your RA Affected