Has Anyone Ever Had A Ground Glass Nodule On A CT Lung Scan?
I had scan on Friday. It came back with the ground glass nodule. The say they are putting in a order for another CT scan in 3 months.
I have them and they are called "ground glass" because that is what they look like on the x-ray. Annual CT scan to monitor. They can't biopsy anything below 3 mm.
Some years ago, I contacted RSV and developed bacterial pneumonia. The lungs looked like "ground glass" on the x-ray. After antibiotics, they cleared up by some very small nodules remained.
Good morning Carol. I have not heard of glass modules either but my mom does have a nodule in her lung. She is a non smoker but has Parkinson's. She goes to a pulmonologist to keep checking every so many months.
Your Dr didn't say if was related to having pneumonia or cOvid. I was looking online and it did say something about that.
I have ground glass opacities and a couple small nodules with the RA ILD. They have stayed the same over the past couple years. There didn’t seem to be concern.
They said sometimes they go away on their own. I'm sick right know. They put me on antibiotics.
I was bummed when the jet skiing and break dancing weekend get away was cancelled! 🤪🤪🤣
Ooh. Something new to read up on Carol. Haven't heard of those. That sounds scary, to be told that.
My ex did a full body mri scan and was told his liver had nodules. They said it was related to ppl who lived in or grew up in high altitude. Which he did. Said nothing to worry about. I hope those lung nodules are the same and cause no problems for you.
It sounds like you have a good doctors and they are going to monitor them closely. Don't think it will hamper your sky diving,break dancing or jet skiing activities at all.
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