Anyone Besides Me Breaking Out With Red Pimply Rashes Besides Yours Truly. RA Bites It.
I,m getting a rash on my toe, but I don't know if it's related to RA. I'm going to see a dermatologist in a few days; so I[ll ask her.💞 NMorma 5
Yes I do get some of those I just never connected it to R A. I kept wondering why this was happening.I have had them on my lower back and even a couple on my face.
Hi Peter6
I’ve had some skin issues from RA it can cause different types of rashes, I mostly have one or two pimples and it might be in several spots on my body, shoulders, hands, etc. I asked about it my doc said it was a vasculitis from the RA, It might mean that you have inflammation in that spot is what I got from it.
The inflammation has constricted the blood flow to the vessels in that spot in the skin, I know in my case it takes forever to heal and it will leave a scar.
It very well might be a rash from the RA.
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