Does Anyone Else That Has RA And Sjogrens, Have Days When Your Eyes Run??
Degenerative Disc Disease
In dry eye due to low quality of tears ( no oil base layers), tears quickly evaporate from eye surface. Just fyi
Yes, people with RA and secondary Sjögren’s syndrome can experience various eye symptoms. While dry eyes are the most common, other complications can include:
- Decreased tearing
- Light sensitivity
- Blurred vision
- Eye infections
- Ulcers of the cornea
- Uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer of the eye)
- Scleritis Show Full Answer
Yes. I have RA associated episcleritis and dry eye. In Sjogrens or RA associated dry eye, quantity of tears is low, but also quality of tears. So, when eyes are dry,
it can cause something called reflexive hypertearing. It is in an attempt to compensate for dry eye but tears still remain to have low quality. It’s complex and interesting. Your ophthalmologist can maybe give you educational material . Extensive physiology can be found on line. If you watch video for use of Tyrvaya, it will simply and quickly explain production of tears and components of healthy tears ( layers). Sorry for this elaborate answer.
I do! Make sure you take allergy medicine morning and night. Lubricate your eyes at night and through out the day use eyedrops for dry eyes.
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