Is It Possible That My Body Is Reacting To All Of This Political And Constant News Stuff In A Bad Way?
It seems like the last week and the intensity of all of the politics and what has felt like never ending talk has caused my ra to show up a lot more. I've had the tv and radio off and have been reading baking and building Lego but my whole body just feels run down. I guess I dont fully understand if how I'm feeling could be feeling like I'm on overload? Its been a tough week. My son who passed had another heavenly birthday, the election and the up and down weather. I'm so wiped out..I hope… read more
I totally agree and sympathize with everyone. We are not directly affected by US politics here north of the border, but can't be unaffected by the hype, constant news and repercussions everywhere.
@A myRAteam Member, I totally agree. I actually have just turned off all the news for the most part, and haven't been on social media as much, except for this site. I do believe that any type of stress, affects RA . I have been having little flares lately.
YES!!!!! I sometimes feel like I need to hide from the world to not go crazy. I don't want to hear the news, see signs up, listen to people talking. It's too much sometimes 🥹
I have felt stress and anxiety this past year like never before. Things in my life and politics on top of it feels like too much...too much all at once, too much drama, and the holidays coming up too. I feel really run down and it's one thing after another. I had 3 good days this past week but it was too much. I just can't do one day after another of activity without it taking a toll on me. I need to unplug, unwind , rest and shut the noise of the world out sometimes. I'm tired in my mind, body and soul. Time to rest.
So no you're not alone ! ❤️🙏🤗
It sounds like you're going through a lot right now, and it's completely understandable to feel overwhelmed. Stress, whether from political news, personal losses, or even changes in weather, can have significant effects on your body, especially if you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Here are some points to consider:
How Do You Describe Your Pain With RA?
Anyone Wish To Share Their Experience With Rituxan Infusions?
What Has RA Stolen From You?