How Serious Is RA And Numbness In The Hands?
Glad you are seeing your specialist and getting answers. Sometimes Physical T or Occupational T can teach you ways to improve posture and how to sit better when resting that can correct the issue or even just using splints and improving your position wheen sleeping can help. No surgery required. Didnt mean to scare you.
I think it would take a long time and a lot of constant pain for any damage to occur. My sister had issues but wouldn't see a doctor and just kept suffering for a few years until she was losing strength and dropping things. Once your nerves get damaged too badly, it's hard to come back. Thats just a good reson to go to the doctor and get advised wh en we have issues instead of putting things off. My brothers avoid doctors til they can barely stand. Me, I ain't that brave!
Thanks. I’m experiencing it a lot at present. I have swelling in my hands and around my joints and I my doctor has seen the swelling. I’m waiting to be seen again by my Rheumatologist and I hope that won’t be too long.
Adalia, treatment depends on if you have circulation issues or diabetes or overuse of the joints that cause impingement.
Inflammation is swelling that can squeeze your nerves and vessels. RA meds or even steroids can help reduce swelling of RA. If it's small nerve neuropathy they can give certain meds to help that.
There are several other things nerve pain and tingling can stem from. You may even have brachial plexus impingement or nerves in the elbow being squeezed. Best you get xrays or mris to find out exactly where the issue is coming from. Physical Therapy can also alleviate these issues.
You might consider asking your doctor to recommend a neurologist to see if you have carpal tunnel which needs treatment bc it it causes irreversible damage to nerves.
That's all i can tell you. Be sure you get proper tests run and get answers and whatever therapy or treatment that will help you.
Is ra numbness different than neuropathy???
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and numbness in the hands can be quite serious. Here are some key points:
- Nerve Compression: RA can cause swelling and inflammation in the wrist joints, leading to nerve compression. This can result in weakness, tingling, and numbness in the hands and fingers
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: RA can Show Full Answer
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