What Do Most People Do For Jobs When Some Days You Can’t Walk Or Are In So Much Pain? I Am Sub Teaching, But Have Had To Cancel Bcuz Of Pain
Diagnosed in May of 24, was a teacher, finding jobs is hard. Do most people just push through it or work from home? I sub and come home exhausted or my elementary students ask if I’m ok all the time. I need to work, but until I get this under control, I just need to understand what others do. Any advice is welcome and appreciated 😊
Jennifer- so sorry that RA is effecting your job- it made me change everything in my life so that I can deal with RA.
Just some thoughts….
Since you need to work and teaching is your skill set, I would look at other options like teaching for an online school (domestic or international), look for teaching opportunities outside of the education arena like educating departments at museums, parks, ect, or tutoring/ small group teaching.
They might give you the flexibility and lower physical demands to accommodate working and healing from RA.
You want believe how your life style will change,I have never talk to a person with RA, that has told me their life style hasn’t change.
I was diagnosed in 2015 with RA and at the same time Common Variable Immune Deficiency. I was working 8-10 hours a day and some Saturdays. I was having subq infusions at home every week or two. I missed a little if work at that time because the meds made me so tired. I was in methotrexate too. Neither lasted long, because I had such bad side effects. So I just pushed through, but that whole time I wasn't doing myself any favors other than helping to put food on the table. It's a long story but ultimately in 2018 I had a second ulnar surgery that when horribly wrong. So I had to medically retire and apply for disability. I had to start IVIG for the CVID. And then infusions for RA. Good luck to you. I know it's hard. Do what you have to do but be careful how hard you push your body. ❤️🙏
I had to take early retirement as I couldn’t function on the pain killers.
I am a senior health care worker and have to rely a lot on pain medication to be able to do my job. I sometimes think of looking for an easier job, but I like what I do. Still, there are days when I get home and have to crawl to my bed. I hope you find a way to cope whilst working.
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