Does Any One Know Can You Get A Diagnosis With Out A Blood Test
Dawn I was a clinical lab technologist for 35 years. The tests supplement the diagnosis, monitor treatment response and prognosis and disease progression. We do not diagnose in the lab. What test are you interested in?
Hi, I am seronegative but was diagnosed based on my symptoms and inability to heal my knee after surgery. My orthopedic did a 2nd surgery on my knee and was able to confirm symptoms of RA, I believe the synovium. However, my rheumatologist didn’t need that to make the diagnosis and start treating me.
I was diagnosed by blood work I was RA positive, my mother had R A and I knew what it looked like and now I know how it feels, I have been blewith a very good doctor, when I went to her she looked at my hands and said do you know what you have and I said yes I have R A. I am on Rinvoq , I have been on it now for four years and it works Great for me. Always listen to your body, and get your doctor to listen to you. GOD BLESS and stay strong
Blood test at ra Dr 5 yrs ago aftery hip surgery showed high
All I know looking back i hsd symptoms. Blood test was negative tol it wasn't.
Joint pain. Ankles lock after being on them. Hands hurt.
My Skin Gets Very Dry During Flares
No I Have Not Tried Stem Cell But I Have Friends That Have Used Stem Cell.
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