Does Anyone Have Trouble With Their Toes. I Have Corns And Calluses. Going To The Podiatrist On Tuesday. I Have RA, Ostreo And Fibromyalgia.
It sounds like you're dealing with quite a bit. Corns and calluses can be particularly troublesome, especially if you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis. Here are some tips that might help:
- Footwear: Wear shoes that fit well and are appropriate for your activities
- Toe Caps: Consider using toe caps to Show Full Answer
That sounds comforting. Men should do this too. Reminds me of Better call Saul series. Jimmy liked his spa treatments.
Hi Janet, I too treat myself to a pedicure and manicure every 6 weeks or so. I patronize one establishment,( for over 5 years), and I have one person I always go to. I've had the hot wax, which is ok, & the hot stones that just wasn't wasn't for me. So the extra I pay for is additional massage time for my feet and legs. The podiatrist that operated on my feet retired, so I found another podiatrist. When I saw what she charged for just cutting my toenails, I could get the same service and a massage and manicure for the same price! Now that my feet are swelling some, I wear very comfortable sandals. They have the arch support, ankle support and comfort I need for all day wear. They are pricy, but considering our condition, comfort comes with a price. In the fall and winter, I wear 2" or lower heels for dress and comfortable sneakers the rest of the time.
Gosh. I've forgotten what regular stylish shoes are like. I've never in my life worn anything higher than 2-inch, block heels at best. Court shoes, they're called which I suppose sounds elegant, but why, I couldn't say. Preferably, lower
than that or flats. Open toe if I can find them or my big toe complains.
Hammer toes are a constant problem, bending under the way they do. Or I get trigger toes that literally paralyze my foot. Corns on ever toe and horribly callused right heel, not left heel at all.
I always wear shoes and boots one size or half a size too big for comfy ortho inserts and give my toes extra wiggle room.
Other than all that, my feet are just great. LOL
Hi all,
I do not have corns or calluses. However, I have small bunions and my large toes are turning inward to the other toes. About 25 years ago, I had rigid hammer toes. My podiatrist operated on both feet, made the all toes straight,(operations a yr. apart) and made the big toes at straight as possible. My feet feel so much better and I can wear regular stylish shoes.
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