Any One Any One Repair Such As ACL And Meniscus Tears. How Was Recovery Did You Need MAU? Manipulation? Was It Better Or Worse ?
Fibromyalgia and RA
I had meniscus tear repair, took few months to feel better but then my osteoarthritis worsened to bone on bone now planned total knee surgery in a month.
Thank you
Total knee replacement is considered by any orthopedic to be a last resort surgery. Meaning you barely can walk or walk with severe pain.
Your Orthopedic should have done several of these knee replacements. Also I would call one of his knee replacements patients to ask how it went.
Most Doctors with the permission of the patient will recommend this.
Recovery is quick. They hospital will you have you on your feet walking, possibly with crutches, on day two.
There will be a scar but it’s not that big a deal although at first it’s ugly but if fades over time. Almost looks like a bad scratch.
Good luck don’t push anything wait until your ready.
No I Have Not Tried Stem Cell But I Have Friends That Have Used Stem Cell.
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