Does Anyone Else Have Problems With Their Feet Swelling And Hurting And That’s The Only Part Of My Body That’s Swollen
every so often my feet will act out when I sit for too long so I had started wearing the compression open toe socks or the compression knee highs I came across that are wonderful as they don't pinch the skin and both wash up well without causing an issue.
Yes more so my left - but no answers why
Hi, my feet and calf’s do swell occasionally and flight socks lowers the swelling. Try it, I hope it helps.
Swelling and pain in the feet can be particularly challenging for those with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). According to the knowledge base, many people with RA experience significant foot pain, swelling, stiffness, and deformity, which can severely impact daily activities and quality of life. If the swelling is only in your Show Full Answer
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