I Have RA I’m Fed Up With The Amount Of Tablets I Take And The Terrible Lower Back Pain Any One Else
@A myRAteam Member I battled an ankle that wouldn't move for months and was very painful. My RA doctor kept giving Prednisone to fix it. I went to my chiro. for a back adjustment. He asked if there was an other joints that needed help and I casually mentioned my ankle - not thinking anything of it. He looked at my ankle and told me I had several bones out of place. He adjusted my ankle and that ended all of my issues - UGH!! never had a problem since. Live and learn....I guess. 🤣
Thank u for taking the time, I will certainly look into this
Have you had an x-ray of your back to verify that this is RA? It may be the you spine is out of alignment. Or you may have a degenerative disk issue that is causing your whole walking gate to be off. This may just require a lift in your shoe to easily fix this. A chiropractor would be best to see for that lower back pain - not your RA doctor. Just some thoughts. Not everything is RA is what I've learned the hard way.
Hi I to have terrible back pain I use a hot water bottle and I also have a massager it's brilliant plus have osteoarthritis osteoporosis in my hip ankle all my joints especially my fingers have quite a few health issues but try hot bottle it really helps like yourself I tried painkillers creams none worked I have osteoporosis and osteoarthritis in my spine and a protruding disc I hope this helps wish u feel better soon
Is anyone else tired of these AI responses that all say, nsaids, ice, heat, exercises, and physical therapy?
Due To My Several Autoimmune Issues I Have Put On A Lot Of Weight …I Have Issues With R.A Nodules In My Feet ( They Feel Like Marbles )
Methotrexate Oral Vs Injection