Who Here Has Seronegative RA And How Do You Know For Sure It’s RA?
I was originally diagnosed at 49 years old with a condition called poly myalgia rheumatica, which started as severe pain in my shoulders and hips (so bad I needed help getting up from a sitting position and getting dressed), but after a couple of months of high doses of prednisone (25mg daily) I was referred to a rheumatologist who diagnosed me with seronegative RA. I had a moderately high CRP and ESR. RA factor and ANA were negative. I do have an aunt who has seropositive RA. He put me on MTX… read more
I have a seronegative RA, I was diagnosed through MRI and ANA levels were elevated, other than that most of the blood work and xray was fine, I doubted it at first , to be honest it's hard to accept the diagnoses, but generally if you have pain and stiffness that is worst when you wake up or rest and anti inflammatory medication did not help , if the pain is symmetrical or semi symmetrical on both joints most likely its RA. That's from my experience
Seronegative RA is diagnosed through a combination of methods since it doesn't produce the specific antibodies (anti-CCP and RF) that seropositive RA does. Here's how it's typically diagnosed:
1. Medical History and Physical Examination
- Questions about symptom onset, affected joints, pain description, fatigue, Show Full Answer
Does Anyone Have Seronegative RA? Were Your Doctors Able To Get Your RA Under Control?
How Long Did Everyone Wait For A Diagnosis? I’m Still Under “suspected RA”. Now Left With Pain Management Team! Feeling So Frustrated Now!
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