Does Anyone Have Any Experience With Knowing Of Someone Who Decided On Not Taking Ra Meds ? I Know Not Recommended But An Honest Question Ty
Remember to treat yourself like someone you loved you deserve it.
Yes, there are instances where individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) decide against taking their prescribed medications. This decision can stem from various concerns, including fear of side effects or risks associated with the medications. It's important to acknowledge that medication adherence is a personal choice Show Full Answer
I have a friend she's younger than I. She smoke marijuana. I won't smoke anything because my dad had stage 4 lung cancer. Anyway....
She told me it helps her with the pain.
My's sister daughter also uses marijuana she lives in Virginia apparently you can grew it there or something.....she stated it also helps her with her pain from MS. (She is diabetic and has restless legs syndrome).
I am currently only taking Humira and leflumide along with 4 Tylenol a day. I don't feel great but I honestly feel my mind is coherent.
I hope you find something that works for you π.
Hi Lujan82, RA scares a lot of people but look into both sides of the issue the goods and bad. it's not easy to make the decisions to take meds or not read look hard into all of it. I can go with what my doctor told me straight out meds slow down Ra sometimes a person goes remission but it's not a total cure. i can tell you why i made the decision to take meds is i had an aunt that had RA i was younger then and i watch her year after year get worse she would not take any meds till it was to late and when she started taking it her fingers where turned could not use her hands she ended up in a wheel chair could not walk and it started to attack her organs and she passed away because she was afraid of meds it was horrible to watch a sweet person being crushed by RA so read talk to doctors get all the info you can. Good luck and lots of prayers and hugs to you.
So sorry you have to go through this crap
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