I Just Now Discovered A Small, Less Than Pea Sized Bump Behind Both Knees Are These From RA?
Also wondering, I've had both feet and ankles operated on a lot. I now have limited feeling in my toes and top of feet but they tingle and burn all the time. Are there tests to see if this is neuropathy, vasculitis or just nerve and blood vessel damage from accident and repair surgeries?
Yes, the small bumps you've discovered behind your knees could be related to your Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). These are likely Baker's cysts, also known as popliteal cysts. They are fluid-filled sacs that form behind the knee and are very common in people with RA. While Baker's cysts can sometimes be painless, they may cause Show Full Answer
Bev, I have neuropathy in my feet and my left arm and hand. I have had nerve conduction tests and they can tell how bad it is, or help to figure out what it is. The nerve damage in my arm is peripheral neuropathy that was damaged during surgery.
Popliteal cysts possibly fluid filled bursa sac or called Bakers cysts
They are not painful at all and I don't have RA in my knees....yet!
Docbernie, I think I probably should try and get into a neurologist for my feet and legs. The meds I'm on help the pain but I feel the nerves are a lot worse. The numbness has increased.
What Kind Of Symptoms Do You Have When You Have A Flair Up
RA In Knees - Numbess And Tingling?