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Hello, I've Been On Alot Of RA Meds. I've Had Side Effects, Had To Stop All.Has Anyone Tried Diet Or Supplements That Have Helped?

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Navarre, OH
March 6, 2024
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A myRAteam Member

Hi Chris,
I have found the Mediterranean diet works best for me.
Here is a list of things that I have found useful.
I hope they help.
Some proven things, that I hope will help get you some relief:
1) Ask your Rheumatologist about possibly prescribing a muscle relaxer for the pain vs pain meds;
2) Try, if you can, to take a warm bath with Epsom salts and or lavender to relax and reduce swelling or stiffness in your body;
3) Afterwards, try massaging in either Arnicare or lavender cream to reduce the pain as
both penetrate the muscles and tissues to relieve pain;
4) Drink plenty of water, all day, add in a couple of glasses of Pedialyte;
5) Take a Magnesium supplement;
6) Use Dragon Numbing Gel, in the bottle vs tube, on sore areas;
7) Excercises such as yoga, tai chi, walking, modified bed and/or chair excercise that stretch muscles;
8) Mindful and/or guided meditations, pay attention to your breathing, it should be deep and slow;
9) Rolling a bottle (I use a Caro Syrup bottle) or cold coke can back and forth, under your feet can gently stretch those tendons and muscles and tissues to relieve pain.
10) A lot of members find success switching their diets, the Mediterranean diet  works best for me.
11) Ice packs and/or heat packs.
12) Compression gloves and compression socks.
13) Applying icey hot to your forehead, be careful of your eyes, followed by hot coffee or hot tea to relieve headaches.
14) Papaya Enzyme for upset
I hope this helps.
Have a Great Weekend!

March 6, 2024
A myRAteam Member

All that. Especially daily stretches then walking as fast as you safely can. If you aren't able to walk, Physical Therapy can show you stuff to get in shape. You can ask your doctor to send you to a dietician. If he prescribes a diet for you, there may be a discount if insurance doesn't help. My daughter does mail order boxed ingredients with easy recipes. They have low carb, low fat options too.

My husband and I did salads for lunch, shakes for dinner and dropped weight.

Dieting isn't fun. I feel deprived for the first few days, ok, more like a week, then it gets easier. Lotsa water, absolutely no juices, Gatorade or sodas. All full of sugars. Unsweetened tea or black coffee.

I also did 2 months of phentermine 37.5 mg that worked great to curb my appetite. But, luckily, I have no heart issues or liver issues. That kind of med is helpful if your doctor approves you for it.
Then, you still have to alter your diet and exercise or it comes right back in half the time it took to drop the weight.

Being thinner helped me feel better, all over. More energy with less to lug around. Got so I couldnt get up from a squat.

With RA you have to keep 3 or 4 sizes of clothes, harnesses and shoes too... I mostly live in leggings and long sleeved Tees bc even getting dressed can be a hassle sometimes.

Another thing that helped me keep it off was going to the pool and walking in water with weights on my ankles, holding and lifting dumbells.

Since covid, I got that weight back on and have to lose it again! So I'll race anyone.

March 13, 2024
COVID-19 and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Essential Updates Read more >
A myRAteam Member

Hey, I need to learn that. Tee shirts can be tricky for stiff joints.

March 14, 2024
A myRAteam Member


March 6, 2024
A myRAteam Member

Thanx.That sounds fairly logical. I'll try it.

March 17, 2024

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Navarre, OH
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