Problem: Irritated Eyes Every Day. I’m On Methotrexate And Folic Acid. Is It Likely That It’s The Methotrexate OR Is The RA The Cause?
Also: if it’s the Methotrexate, does switching to a biologic eliminate the redness and discomfort?
My eyes get itchy and irritated with allergies sometimes. I have RX drops for that. But if they are uncomfortable, you might have conjunctivitis? Best to see your doctor and let him/her decide. Especially if they aren't getting better with OTC drops for redness or drops for moisture replacement.
I’m using Methrotrexate, folic acid, Vit D3 for 2 yrs and my hair started changing texture as well as thinning….I’m having my hair cut short next week it’s so thin….
I got pixies 2x with these therapies. Prob will again soon. I like short hair. Don't like going to salons. It's good you take those things anyway. And your therapy could yet change and your hair will come back. Mine did. Twice so far. And I'm a senior citizen. Bought some wigs too but they itched me. Got some cute hats I like better.
Linda, I feel for ppl who don't 'kick up a fuss' like I am prone to do. You won't suffer from anxiety and stress. However, you could say that I am part Tasmanian Devil, if you've ever watched Bugs Bunny, you get the picture.
It's difficult for me to accept that I am a senior citizen now and the slow down, sagging, wretched thinning, etc that messes with us. RA just adds a whole nuther bunch of yucky stuff.
Here is some ideas to consider though...
I use OTC non-steroidal allergy eye drops to get the red out. There are lots of brands, so read reviews and see how other ppl like them.
I also use Refresh tears to moisturize and lubricate my eyes bc... I'm drying out 'like a raisin in the sun.' So if I do this daily, I don't have irritated, itchy, weepy eyes anymore.
I also snort Aestylin sinus spray to help keep inflammation of my sinuses controlled. My allergist said I can use Nasonex as well.
Ageing causes everything to thin and shrivel. As does low hormonal levels of estrogen, cortisol, etc. Our meds can cause Alopecia too. Been bad a few times myself.
You might ask your doctor abt taking 1500-2000 calcium a day, biotin and B12 supplements, collagen, bone broth or gelatin daily. And Folic Acid is usually prescribed when taking Methotrexate and maybe could help counter hair loss and low energy...
You might add a squirt of quality castor oil or coconut oil to your conditioner in your hand. Massage it in your scalp and hair, rinse in lukewarm water. You can thinly apply castor oil to your eyebrows and add a small amount to your body lotion. Aloe vera is beneficial too.
And drink plenty of water daily,
I've tried lots of hair and skin products, with such hope. But, Healthy begins within our bodies and our hair, skin and nails are visible indicators of health or health issues.
Product labels claim miracles; if not, no one would buy them. RA and the meds sure are hard on us.
Hope this helps...
I HAVE seen the rheumatologist AND optometrist and followed their recommendations carefully. I still walk around looking as if I’ve been weeping. I’m coming to accept it, along with my alopecia from the methotrexate, as just part of the cost of admission to RA World, where the fun never ends.
Due To My Several Autoimmune Issues I Have Put On A Lot Of Weight …I Have Issues With R.A Nodules In My Feet ( They Feel Like Marbles )
Looking To Change My Rheumatologist. Any Recommendations For The Calgary Area?