Does Anyone Have Experience With Extra Articular Rheumatoid Arthritis And How It Manifests?
Stop waiting, you need to get your toes checked soon, doesn't sound good to me
I just went to have a pedicure and my left big toenail is really grey. The right one looks like it may be starting to turn grey as well. They are not sore, painful or bruised. Anyone else having this experience? I have not talked to my RA doc yet, but will soon.
Yes, extra-articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are complications that occur outside of the joints. They are more common in people with severe joint disease. Here are some details:
- **Risk Factors**: Older age, seropositive RA (presence of rheumatoid factor antibodies), early disability, and smoking Show Full Answer
Anemia And Rheumatoid Arthritis
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I Think People Need Be Aware Of The Fact That RA Can Also Affect Your Eyes.