Has Anyone On This Group Heard Of Boron As A Natural Treatment Or Even Tried It
I used to read several health blogs and there was always something they were promoting to help RA. Consequently, I've tried A LOT of supplements, etc. and spent a lot of money. Boron falls under the category of "tried it and it didn't help."
We get boron in coffee, water, fruit, vegies. Some supplements may have tint amounts already. If you get too much, it causes issues. Borax and boric acid are other forms of the same.
Be sure to ask your doctors and pharmacist before taking any supplements. How supplements interact with our meds is still probably new information.
There is still no cure for autoimmune diseases. It would be nice if an ordinary vitamin or mineral could solve our problems. Billions of dollars are made selling ppl hope for all kinds of things. Ive bought plenty myself but nothing except diarreah, constipations, heartburn, sweating, extra trash and less money.
I have both
I have bothe as well..
When I first had osteoarthritis before RA I could take Turmeric it helped. But after RA nothing but prescribed medications by pain management will bring relief. Your primary care physician can refer you to pain management. Also upon examination rheumatologists are able to determine if your RA is managed or not. RA does accelerate the effects of osteoarthritis. Inflammation.
Has Anyone Used The Mineral Boron To Help RA
Natural Cure
Hey I See This Has Been Asked But Since Things Are Always Changing Ill Ask Again. Anyone Have Any Luck With Natural Treatments For RA?