I’m A Massage Therapist By Profession? Is It Realistic To Keep On Practicing? Or Should I Be Looking For Another Proffession Early On.?
I was a massage therapist for over 25 years but due to severe asthma I was on steroids for the last 10 years I was in practice and they caused my tendons & ligaments to tear. I was diagnosed w/advanced RA 8 years before retiring from doing massage. With torn tendons and ligaments my thumbs dislocated and this also contributed to destruction of bone in my shoulder girdle. Lack of bone mass mass left me ineligible for a bilateral total reverse shoulder replacement, which left me in a lot of pain and frequent partial dislocation of my left shoulder joint. I think it was largely the steroids that contributed to all of this, but I would definitely read a book called Save Your Hands and consult with your healthcare provider(s) to determine how much massage you can reasonably expect to do .
I think my situation is extreme and may not apply in your situation but all the best to you,
@A myRAteam Member should be able to give you an answer on that. I think she just retired from being a massage therapist.
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