Why Is Rituxan Not Working For Me After 11 Weeks?
Thank you Maggie.
I took 4 different biologics before Rituxan. The only one that worked (for 15 years) was Enbrel, but Medicare decided it was too expensive and stopped allowing my doctor to prescribe it. I have read that Rituxan may take 4 months, but most of my doctor's patients felt relief after a few weeks. Glad to hear the medication has helped you.
There could be several reasons why Rituxan (Rituximab) might not be working for you after 11 weeks:
1. Initial Non-Responder: Some patients do not respond to the initial treatment of Rituximab. According to the knowledge base, initial non-responders do not benefit from repeated treatments with Rituximab.
2. Time to Show Full Answer
Good morning Bonnie,
From my understanding, it could take Rituxan at least 4 months to be effective. I'm on Rituxan as well and didn't notice a difference in my pain level until the 5th month. I still have pain, but it is not severe pain. If Rituxan doesn't work for you, you may need to speak to your Rheumatologist about trying a different medication.
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