Does Anyone Else Get Flares Either When Traveling Or After You Return Home?
I went up north for a busy 3 days. It's a 4 hour trip one way. The second day I was at my in laws after and extremely long, emotional and hectic day I took a 2 hour nap. The second day home I started feeling a flare come on. I've been down now since Friday. I hate it. So far I don't think the Renflexis is helping but I've only had 2 infusions. Have a blessed Sunday! 😊❤️🙏
Hey, Carol, we're all plum crazy around here. Don't worry about a thing. You fit right in.
My rheumatologist has me carry prednisone when I travel. He said that flares are pretty common. I usually don't need to take any because I try to have rest, and diet similar to home. I don't know if that is the key but that's what I do.
🎶If we weren't all CRAZY, we wld go INSANE!🎶Have a great weekend my friends!! Enjoy!!!😁
I'm sorry you all have flares from traveling, but I'm kind of glad to know it isn't just me. I've had RA for two years and I'm still figuring it out. It's difficult.
When we used to go on a 4 hour trip as soon as I got home I would go straight to bed and sleep for awhile, took me days to get over it.
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