Yes. Hello Everyone!
I wonder if anyone has taken Forteo as daily injections for osteoporosis. If so, could you please share your experience with it, positive and negative. Thank you!
Warm regards,
Never heard of it
My wife has had breast cancer so they want her to take this one drug for osteoporosis - but we have to have a dental clearance first -- dentist wanted to pull any tooth that had any decay or had ever been repaired so "just in case you would have problems with them down the road" - because the drug they want her to take, and I'm sorry I can't remember the name, causes slow healing of dental issues.
I don't know what levels they kept checking while using forteo. Your doctor didn't consistently do blood work? Sounds like he didn't know about avn in jaw. So happy it worked for you!
Forteo is a daily (pen injection) so I did it myself. At that time you could only do it for 2 years as they believed after that time it increased your chances of developing bone cancer. To put that into perspective some RA meds increase (slight) chances of cancer.
Not sure what blood levels you are referring to. I initially saw an endocrinologist.
You took it for 2 yrs and your osteoporosis improved? How often did your doctor check your blood levels? I have a neighbor who has osteoporoisis. She had cement injected into her vertebrae in her spine. I'm sure her doctor doesn't know about forteo. I will tell her. I know someone who had avn in his hips and he took it and was back playing tennis. I think the hard part is finding a great doctor who knows how to do it. Where did you have it done?
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