How Do You Cope With Having Had RA For Such A Long Time ?
Normally I just get on with life albeit in my own modified way but sometimes lately I’ve been getting weary of it all . I’ve had RA since I was 7 and started having joints replaced when I was 25 .( I’m now almost 64) They have done really well but now I’m facing a whole new round of revisions and it’s a bit daunting . It would be reassuring to know I’m not the only one ….is there anyone out there with similar experiences?
Hi Clare, I am right there with you. I have had RA since age 6 and basically it and later two other autoimmune diseases attacked me and I have been trashed from the neck down. Five joint replacements with one failed after only three years. I have had that lifetime rollercoaster where I would be at a certain level and then adjust to a new reality. Too long a story (see my profile) But all you can do is keep pushing forward and fight for every scap of territory you can get and push for the latest treatments when what you are on no longer works. I have added you as friend!
Somehow, you have to keep moving forward. Little at a time. Because the alternative is very appealing. Wheelchair, assisted living. Each morning, just get up and move farther. You've been through it, before, now as time has moved forward, it might be easier. I've had both my hips done, back surgery and my right shoulder replaced and I just keep moving forward. It's only me, I'm not married. If ì don't do it, it doesn't get done. It is a difficult place to get to, mentally. But, I say, I'm just to stupid to fall over. Lol. Believe me, there are days I wish I could figure out, how to just give up, but I can't figure out how to, so I keep moving. One step at a time, you'll get there.
Thank you for getting in touch - it’s much appreciated. I’ve had bilateral ankles ,bilateral knees , bilateral shoulders and bilateral hips too . The hips were done when I was 25 and it’s only recently it’s been suggested I think of a revision and I’m 64 this month ! So they have done very well . I’m beginning to feel like I’m on the up again now as I think the latest pain that landed me on crutches was actually an injury as it is much improved at the moment . It’s so easily done isn’t it ? Just rolling over in bed is enough to send something wonky 😊
I see you are in Texas ! I’m in Sheffield in the UK - I strongly suspect it’s warmer where you are 😊Our summer has stumbled a little due to our jetstream going wonky . Best wishes , Clare
You really have had RA for a long time! I couldn't imagine having this as a young girl. I was diagnosed about 16 years ago. I have been up and down with it. I definitely feel it more as I got older. I'm almost 62 and I can understand how you feel at your age. I am the youngest of 8 children, and my older siblings can do way more than me. It bothers me sometimes, but then I get on with it. I can't let my situation bring me down. I'm sure you're weary. It's ok to feel that way, just try not to dwell on it. I'm not sure if you're spiritual, but sometimes giving it up to a higher power can help. Take care.
Blimey ! That really is bad luck . I hope all is well now , best wishes , Clare
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