Does Anyone Get A Sensation Like A Bug Is Biting You But Nothing There? I'm Assuming It's Nerve Related. But Not Sure If It's RA Related.
Yes I get this it's a bit like getting jabbed with a pin more than a sting and it doesn't always itch. I get mine mostly in my legs.
It's the nerves dying. Felt like wasp stings. I actually mowed over a hidden hornets nest and didn't know I was being stung until I looked down, I was so used to the pain. Had to pull one wasp off of my foot.. Kept on mowing. I can say the intensity of and frequency of the stinging does lessen over the years as the nerves lose their functions. They say I'm still walking on muscle memory.. Hey, I'll take that -- I'm still walking!
Yes! Arms and legs, sometimes my torso and definitely on my head. It's especially worse when I'm really bone tired or I'm anxious. I also get restless arms and legs. Sometimes its like a crawling feeling (scalp) and on other parts of my body it's like a small pin prick. I know it's to do with my nerve endings so I often try and ignore it, but if I don't reach over and scratch it grows into a full blown spasm that has parts of my body jerking.
Mine is on my head, feels like something crawling….. gross!! But nothing there🥺
Yes I get it . Its definitely RA. Sick of everything that comes with this . 2 years and still not in remission
Skin Burning Sensation